The November 2021 update

When they say a lot can happen in the space of a month they're not wrong. This past month has been stressful beyond belief due to both me and my wife being told we will likely lose our jobs.

The Covid pandemic and subsequent impact on energy prices have led to a massacre in the UK energy sector, the sector in which my employer operates. Losing most of their biggest customers has hit them massively financially and in turn, has led them to lay off most of their staff. Needless to say, I have been spending most of my time seeking new employment and getting ready for the inevitable. So, please buy my books, the income from them is needed now more than ever!

Moving on to something a bit nicer is that November is National Novel Writing Month. Normally I use this month to crack on with current projects and get as much done on them as possible. This time I will be using the month (when not job hunting) to finish book 5 in the Sundered Crown Saga. That will give me and my team a month to do any rewrites and the always horrible task of editing. 

Christmas is coming
Despite the challenges, I am facing there is Christmas to look forward to and as I do every year I will be running a winter sale ahead of the release of Heroes of the Sundered Crown at the end of the year. Keep your eyes peeled for December's newsletter for more details.

I hope you're having a better time of things than I am. Unfortunately, redundancy is just a part of being a copywriter and content creative. For some reason, businesses often feel that the role is a luxury despite us giving them a voice and bringing in business leads. Ah, well onwards and upwards I guess. 

A new cover for the Nightblade

You may have noticed a change in cover for The Nightblade. I've always wanted a more unique image for it and so asked my friend and fantastic artist Reza Afshar if I could use one of his fantastic images. I'm delighted he said yes! I think the new cover does the tale more service and is a bit more eye catching!

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Heroes of the Sundered Crown Excerpt


Dune Review